The Terminal List is a new series from Amazon Prime Video , the first season of which debuted on July 1 and is now available in full on the platform. The Terminal List, or Death List , is a production that should appeal to fans of characters such as Reacher or even Punisher, because they have a lot in common with the protagonist of the series, James Reece, played here by Chris Pratt . How does the whole thing look like and is it worth devoting eight hours of our lives to it?
The Terminal List review – what the Amazon Prime Video series tells about

Not every action or action movie has to carry a message. Sometimes we just need something… simple. I The Terminal List could be just such a story, but the creators decided to color the whole story a bit, which did not necessarily turn out to be good for it. However, it is difficult to blame them for some plot threads, since the series is a fairly faithful screen adaptation of Jack Carr’s novel .
This one was released in last year, and its sequel was released in May this year. So if someone has read the book, they can breathe a breath, because the adaptation is relatively faithful to the original. We have some changes, and some threads are different, but in the end Carra should be satisfied. Viewers too.
As for the story itself, The Terminal List is a perfect example of the so-called revenge movies . So we have our main character, in this case the commander of the elite Neavy SEALs unit. James Reece and his soldiers take part in a secret mission in Afghanistan, but it turns out to be a trap.
Virtually all of his soldiers are killed there, and he returns to the US to answer questions from the command. Reece was hit quite hard during the action itself, and his memory and memories are not good. Few people want to believe him how the action was going, and strange things are starting to happen around him. It seems that someone wants to silence the surviving soldiers and will not even hesitate to attack their families.
The list of deaths, i.e. ticked off story points

The description of the plot itself does not foreshadow anything sensational, or at least nothing that we would not have seen many times before. Vengeance cinema has certain patterns and The Terminal List does not intend to ignore them, rather it is painstakingly ticking off one by one. We have a hero who has to deal with trauma, but at the same time is highly trained. We also have his trusted helpers and, of course, the bad guys who aren’t the best in this case. Yes, we can even understand their motivations, but in the end, they don’t really matter. Reece simply takes revenge on everyone who was involved in the unfortunate action and what happened after it.
It is worth adding here that the series also added some things that were not in the book itself, but were intended to conquer what the hero is experiencing. It turned out quite well and it is difficult to get angry with the creators of the series. The Terminal List, however, does not surprise the viewer in any way, and in some places it can even … wear out. Especially in a too long start, i.e. the first two or even three episodes, when we know what the action is going to, and we still do not receive this one.
Over-stretching the show into eight episodes (about an hour each) didn’t do The Terminal List for good. A more condensed action would even be advisable, because once we get through the beginning, things start to get interesting. However, some viewers may give up after the first episodes and will not get to those where it really is spectacular.
Soldiers, revenge and action
Action scenes deserve praise here, especially those where you can see how seriously the creators took the training of actors. They behave as soldiers of elite units should, or at least the viewer gets such an impression. There is also a lot of attention to detail here, and Chris Pratt himself seems to have undergone a long preparatory training under the supervision of professionals. There is a scene in The Terminal List where the action takes place in Mexico and you can see it very clearly there. The character played by Pratt is hard to like, but understandable. Reece is reticent, specific and focused on his goal.

Here it resembles a bit of Reacher , but without a sense of humor and sharp retort. His vendetta may bring him closer to Frank Castle, the Punisher . They share a similar origin story, but there is also a difference between them. Punisher focused on thugs, and Reece not so much. Note, there will be a little SPOILER for the plot here .
Well, at some point our hero is so blinded by revenge that he kills … bodyguards without hesitation. No doubt ex-soldiers who are just doing their job and not at all involved with the whole thing. Reece doesn’t even hesitate to shoot the man who surrendered and laid down his gun. It is difficult for him to cheer on then.
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The Terminal List Review – Is It Worth Watching The Series On Amazon Prime Video?

The Terminal List takes a long time to build up, only to gain a decent pace towards the end. There are no plot surprises here, but the series defends itself with action and fight scenes. There are also some really brutal scenes (Mexico again) and you can see that the creators went to great lengths to shoot them. This may not be The Boys level , but once is close. Pratt in this role works well, but when Taylor Kitsch appears on the screen, the viewer’s attention is focused on him.
Ultimately, The Terminal List is a series that we won’t remember for too long. It is quite pleasant to watch once it has gained the right momentum. The viewer receives a few strong and very well-realized action scenes (Mexico and San Francisco), so fans of this type of images should be fully satisfied. The Terminal List is a typical sensational cinema, which may not be distinguished by anything, but after the sense is finished, the viewer also does not feel that he has completely wasted his time. It’s best to add the series to the list and check it when you don’t catch your eye.