Warzone officially goes to mobile!

Activision, the publisher of the Call of Duty series , announced that the popular Warzone will appear on the new platform. This is, of course, about mobile devices. Interestingly, the new game is to differ from its predecessor from consoles and personal computers.

They will create a payload that will allow oxygen to be extracted on the moon – colonization is getting closer

Thales Alenia Space has announced that it has won a research contract to develop a payload to extract oxygen on the moon . It sounds a bit like science fiction, but the company’s research will have a huge impact in the future. When there are bases on the moon, oxygen will not have to be transported from Earth, and it will be possible to obtain it directly on the surface of the satellite.

Ukraine wants to delete Russian domains from the Internet – the regulator refuses

Ukrainian officials, and more specifically ICANN’s representative for Ukraine, Andriy Nabok, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Digital Transformation, Mykhail Fedorov, submitted an application to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and to Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC) to block the most popular Russian domains, i.e. .ru, .рф and .su.

HTC is doing it again – HTC announces a powerful flagship

HTC , the former market leader of smartphones with mobile Windows – no, not the one known from Lumia – decided to return to the market with a new flagship. Again. And I must admit that I will not tell you what time it is, because I lost count a long time ago. However, even the most persistent necrophile would be disgusted with such a situation.

Modular processors like PCs? The biggest technology giants are working on a new standard

A good example here are multi-core processors with integrated memory and often iGPUs, or SoCs known as ARM processors for smartphones, where apart from the CPU itself, there are also wireless communication modules, satellite navigation, graphics, or NPU. Currently, each manufacturer combines individual parts in their own unique way, which causes a lot of problems in the production, design and supply chains of individual elements. To solve this problem, the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) is being developed.