EA CEO earnings are halved – why?

Very interesting news comes to us from the United States. According to the latest reports, the president of Electronic Arts – Andrew Wilson has recently had to accept a significant reduction in salary. In total, the “head of EA” in 2021 earned two times less than two years ago. What are the reasons for such a drastic wage cut?

Extraterrestrial Life – What Technologies Do I Need to Find It?

Extraterrestrial life is a river topic. For years, man has been trying to find traces of existence in space – so far unsuccessfully. Current technologies allow us to estimate certain phenomena, e.g. the possibility of ice under the surface of Mars or the Moon. However, to study the surfaces of celestial bodies for microorganisms, at least rovers that can get there are needed.

Auracast Bluetooth – Share audio with multiple devices simultaneously

Bluetooth has one major drawback: it allows sound to be sent to a single device: even wireless headphones need to communicate with each other – although there is a fairly limited exception to this rule. But what if several people want to listen to music from one source, but are in a public place, such as a bus, and respect their fellow passengers? Auracast Bluetooth technology is the solution to this problem.