How to create a strong password when cyber attacks are getting louder? Take care of your access!

How do I create a strong password? Who needs this and why such a question? The situation in the east very quickly raised the topic of cybersecurity and online threats. Fear was a natural consequence, on the one hand, of the very fact of starting a war in a neighboring country, and on the other hand, of a wave of threats about cyberwar, unlike anything the world had ever seen before.

Zuck Bucks – what’s new in cryptocurrency from Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg is not giving up on cryptocurrencies and wants to release Zuck Bucks, although the chances of winning are practically zero. First, he announced the Libra project, which was supposed to be Facebook’s own currency. However, he quickly realized that the antimonopoly offices would not allow this to happen, so he invited many companies from the financial sector to cooperate with him, which … upon hearing about the inspections, they quickly began to withdraw. 

Editing Twitter posts? Elon Musk is planning a new cleanup

Elon Musk has barely become Twitter’s largest shareholder and is already planning to make changes. Well, he posted a survey on the site in which he asks users if they want an edit button. Yse and on can be selected as answers . This is a fairly clear suggestion that the main aim is to correct minor errors such as typos.

The Play Store provides an unfair advantage to Google? State authorities have no doubts

Stores such as the App Store or the Play Store have civilized everything. Not only the given program and its alternatives are much easier to find, we can also be sure that we do not download its pirated version from a fake website. The problem is that both of these stores charge a fairly high, 30% commission. This, however, does not please Indian app developers who accused the Play Store of being a Google monopoly tool.