How do I remove Watch Next on Disney + ? Well, the answer is not as simple as you might wish. Mainly because Disney + does not provide for the option to remove productions that have already appeared on the Watch Continue list. This means that if we try to watch a lot of titles, our production list starts to grow rapidly. Even when we don’t want to come back to some of the titles. Fortunately, you can deal with it, although the way is not the most pleasant.
How To Remove Watch Continue On Disney + (Continue Watching)

We recently wrote a short tutorial for you on how to remove Watch it on HBO Max , and now it’s time for Disney + . So let’s take a closer look at it, and unfortunately, there are some shortcomings. One of them is the inability to remove titles from the Watch More section. It would seem that this is one of those options that simply has to be on the streaming service, but we won’t find it on Disney + . At least not yet, because we hope this will change over time. You can deal with it, although it’s quite… annoying.
The easiest way to remove a title from Watch More on Disney + is to… watch it fully . Of course, no one is forcing us to keep watching a bad movie just to get it off our list. You have to rewind it to the end credits and wait a moment for Disney + to offer us another production. It’s best to wait for the movie to end at all. In this way, the title will be included in the “watched” and will disappear from our list.
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The most convenient way to do it is from the browser level , where you just click on the “progress bar” almost at the end of the movie. The same can be done with started series that we did not like. Fast forward to the last episode, a moment of patience, and you’re done. Sometimes you also need to refresh the entire application, i.e. the popular F5 in the browser . If a season has more than one season, it’s best to start the whole process on the last episode of the previous season that you watched. In this way, Disney + will no longer offer us another one.
Sometimes it is enough to create a new profile on Disney +
There is one more way to remove Watch Further on Disney + , though that’s a rather strange alternative. You can simply create another profile to watch productions on. There you can try titles that do not necessarily match your interests, and simply delete it if necessary.
Source: Disney +