ESL Gaming and Qualcomm are creating an esports league for smartphone lovers

E-Sport had to fight to be taken seriously for a long time and still many older people do not recognize it as a real set of disciplines. However, if there is something that connects at least some e-sports fans and supporters of traditional sports, it is mobile e-sport, i.e. games for smartphones. And it is quite strange because games of this type have been going on for many years. And apparently the time has come to disenchant mobile esports anew. All thanks to the Snapdragon Pro Series ESL.

The most popular smartphone of 2021 – it is not the iPhone that is the leader

Over the years we have got used to the fact that the most popular smartphones when it comes to specific models are the iPhone. The math itself is behind it. After all, the manufacturer releases only a few smartphone models each year, although in many memory variants, and yet it is on the podium, fighting for second place with Xiaomi. Despite this, this year it is not the iPhone that is the leader in popularity, but the smartphone from Samsung.

An era is over – Android statues are disappearing from Mountain View

From the very beginning of Android, Google called subsequent versions of this system from sweetness. The next letters of the alphabet corresponded to the next significant changes in Robocik . However, everything has its end, so for several releases we have not received any sweets anymore, at least not officially. In this way, the Google campus in Mountain View has aged a bit, as it was used, among others, by as a place for Android statues in a sweet edition.