Everyone who has ever run their website knows that sooner later they will wonder – where to get free photos for a blog? Of course, on the one hand, there is nothing difficult about it – after all, there are a lot of graphics on the Internet that can be downloaded and uploaded to the website. And here another important question arises – are you sure you can just download and use it? Not completely. You can find a lot of graphics on the internet – you can agree on that. However, not all photos can be simply appropriated. There are specific copyrights and it’s worth knowing to know exactly where to get your free photos for your blog.
Where to get free photos for your blog?
If you have just started your blog and you do not have too much time to train yourself in the legal scope of copyright to photos, photo banks are a safe solution. The most famous are:
- Pixabay
- Pexels
- Freepik
- Stocksnap.io
- Unsplash
- Burst.shopify
- Picjumbo
- ShotStash
- LibreStock
- ISO Republic

One of the most famous proposals. Pixabay is a photo bank that has relatively large resources and you can find photos on very different topics here. Additionally, the portal does not require users to assign authors to photos. Thanks to this, you do not have to put captions under the photos that indicate who is the author of the graphics .

If Pixabay is not enough for you, then Pexels is another answer to where to get free photos for your blog. Why is this website worth considering? You will find a lot of attractive graphics here. As in Pixabay, no one requires you to assign authorship to graphics .

It’s an online image bank that provides high-quality stock images . Thanks to this, you will find graphics that attract attention. Freepik has a rich collection of photos on various topics, so when using the search engine, you will definitely be able to find what the user needs. Freepik is updated daily , so you’ll only find more every day.

You can find similar graphics on this website as in the above suggestions. How Stocksnap.io can encourage users to use their resources? Here you can find a lot of graphics ready to edit . An example here can be a smartphone that has a screen prepared on graphics to add your picture to be able to quickly personalize your photos.

Another service and another interesting solution. When searching for graphics in the photo bank, you can browse the ready-made collections . Thanks to this, you can find photos that are juxtaposed with each other in an interesting way. It is definitely a good option for people who do not necessarily know how to compose photos and compose them thematically with each other.

What you can definitely like about Burst is the wide thematic range of graphic proposals . In this way, very often interesting photos can be found without using the search engine. Especially when you don’t have any specific phrase for which you want to find a photo, but you are just looking for inspiration.

This is where people who prefer the dark theme of the website will feel good . Picjumbo offers a choice, while most image banks do not. Besides, you can find everything else in the suggestions above – thematic categories.

In addition to the collections, you can find the Explore photos tab , which is another option, especially for the discoverers of intriguing shots and the results of the work of photographers and graphic designers. Or maybe you are an artist looking for additional materials? In such a situation, Shot Stash is worth noting because it allows you to use inspiration and prepared publications with graphics in mind.

It is a very simple website without any extras. It can be said that a relatively similar proposition to Burst. The service offers tag search , which seems to be an interesting proposition for people who do not have a specific search phrase, but want to discover amazing graphics.
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ISO Republic

Are photos not everything? If you’re looking for short videos , you’ll find them right here. They usually last about 20 seconds. These are various shots such as drops on the glass, sparkling stars in the galaxy and others.
Where to get free photos for your blog? There are quite a lot of such places on the Internet. However, it is necessary to ensure that these places are primarily legal. First and best photos cannot be downloaded. A safe solution is to use image banks . There you will find graphics that you can use for commercial purposes without worries and for free – if you use free image banks, of course, as there are also paid ones.